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Monday, June 17, 2024

Blue Knight Rubber Stamps - New Designer Paper

 Good Monday Morning to all of you reading my blog today.  It is going to be another hot one in Southern Illinois today.  A good day to stay in and craft, not that I really needed an excuse.  LOL

The Blue Knight Team will be sharing cards made with the NEW Day Sky 3 and Night Sky 3 Designer Papers.  I am loving all the Sky designer paper, they are so easy to work with.  I am just not saying that, they truly make beautiful cards and it doesn't take hours to do it either.  For those of you who have not been able to attend a show where Blue Knight is, you would be amazed to see all the beautiful cards on their board.  Many have been done with the designer papers.  I had the opportunity to attend a show on Saturday and I loved seeing all the cards.  Many I had not viewed previously.  It was a fun day.  It is always good to get to chat with the owners, Scott and Lynn.  Lynn does the best make and takes, too.

Here are my cards made with the new Day 3 Designer papers.

These cards were made with the Flying Swans stamp set and the Night Sky 3 designer paper.

This card was made by using the Silhouette Barn Rooftop and  Night Sky 3 Designer Paper.

GREAT week.


  1. Gosh they are so very beautiful the colours are so intense wonderful cards
    lolo x

  2. Your cards are amazing. I'm going to visit their website. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Two wonderfully atmospheric card designs.

  4. These are gorgeous! I would of enjoyed going to the convention, but had Father's Day plans both days. Hopefully they will be there again next year!

  5. Beautiful stamps and love the fabulous p.papers.
    Carol x
